
Office hours

Office Hours: Tuesday 10am to 2pm
Contact Number: 02 9504 8018
Facebook: Ramsgate-Rockdale RSL sub-Branch

Sub-Branch Executives

  • President – Gary Mawson
  • Vice President – John Rundle
  • Vice President – John MacKenzie
  • Hon Secretary – Gerry Hay
  • Treasurer – Terry Delaney
  • Trustee – Ken Harrison
  • Trustee – Mark Purvis
  • Trustee – Andrew Dwyer

Meeting Dates

Ramsgate-Rockdale RSL sub-Branch Members are invited to attend our General Meeting which are held on the second Friday of every month commencing at 11am in The Gallipoli function room.
A luncheon will be served immediately following the meeting.

2025 Calendar Dates

Membership Eligibility

Membership is available to any person who served in the Australian Defence Force in any theatre of conflict. Any person who served for not less than six (6) months in the Regular or reserve Forces of the Australian Defence Force, of any country presently or formerly a Crown Colony of the United Kingdom or the United States of America.

You will share that unique camaraderie only experienced by those who have served in the defence of their country.

Download Application Form

**ANZAC Day 2024**

If you missed our Anzac Day 2024 service or would like to recapture the morning again, click here for the live stream play back.

How the League Evolved

The Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia, later to become The Returned and Services League of Australia was formally established on the 6th June 1916 by a wounded and disabled serviceman who had returned from the Gallipoli campaign. They banded together to improve the ability of returned serviceman to influence the Commonwealth Government policies and decisions. The issues which the founding fathers of the League set out to represent to Government were, firstly, to fight for benefits, treatment, and welfare of veterans, ex-service and serving members of the Defence Force, and secondly, to preserve the health, well-being, and security of Australia and the Australian way of life. These issues continue to remain the focus of the League.

RSL Sub-Branch Badge
The badge worn by all members of the Returned & Services League of Australia is a symbol of readiness at all times to render service to Queen and country and to former comrades. It is a time-honoured emblem – one that has been worn with a deep sense of pride by the most revered in our land and one that glorifies the coats of all privileged to wear it.

Infrastructure of the RSL
The RSL is a national organisation operating through State Branches and their local Sub-Branches where every member has a voice in League matters.